After working on this recent gif:
I started thinking it would be fun and cute to make a small game about controlling a mom duck and finding small ducklings to join you. With your mouse you would be able to command these little ducklings to go somewhere, or pickup an object to solve puzzles and go through levels like this. Say for example to open a gate you must press two buttons simultaneously where each button needs the weight of 5 ducklings each to be pressed.
Then I realized this is basically Pikmin but with little ducks. I think this could be a fun project to work on in the future though, what are your thoughts?
Also, I don't know if I haven't looked properly but it feels like there is a lack of Pikmin like games or clones? Think specially with mouse on PC there is a lot of potential. Maybe it's because Nintendo has these ideas strongly patented, who knows lol.
I've never played Pikmin but the idea sounds interesting!